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Browsing NLR by Subject "Aeronautics"
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ItemA novel method for automated routing optimisation and equipment positioning in aero engine nacelles(Netherlands Aerospace Centre NLR, 2018) Vankan, W.J. ; Maas, R. ; Peyron, V.
ItemA viable opportunity for fielding an aircraft Structural Health Monitoring system(Netherlands Aerospace Centre NLR, 2018) Bos, M.J.
ItemAdditive Manufacturing Design in Aerospace: Topology Optimization and Virtual Manufacturing(Netherlands Aerospace Centre NLR, 2020) Paletti, L. ; Brink, W.M. van den ; Bruins, R. ; Ven, E. van de ; Bosman, M.
ItemAdvancing the state-of-the-art in civil aircraft design: a knowledge-based multidisciplinary engineering approach(National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, 2006) Kesseler, E.
ItemAerodynamic design of engine intake duct shape of a general aviation turboprop aircraft(Netherlands Aerospace Centre NLR, 2014) Soemarwoto, B.I. ; Boelens, O.J. ; Kanakis, A.
ItemAerodynamic development of a four-sided ground run-up enclosure for propeller transport aircraft(National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, 2004) Gooden, J.H.M. ; Hoelmer, W. ; Roark, M.E. ; Tang, R. van der
ItemAircraft composite fuselage optimization through barrel and panel level analyses(National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, 2011) Vankan, W.J. ; Brink, W.M. van den ; Maas, R. ; Nawijn, M.
ItemAircraft rudder optimization(Netherlands Aerospace Centre NLR, 2018) Wit, A.J. de ; Lammen, W.F. ; Vankan, W.J. ; Timmermans, H.S. ; Laan, T. van der ; Ciampa, P.D.
ItemAircraft structural health monitoring, prospects for smart solutions from a European viewpoint(National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, 1997) Bartelds, S.
ItemAirframe inspection reliability using field inspection data(National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, 1998) Heida, J.H. ; Grooteman, F.P.
ItemAnalytic description of the noise radiation from single- and contra-rotating propellers(National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, 2011) Brouwer, H.H.
ItemApproximate modelling and multi objective optimisation in aeronautics design.(National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, 2002) Vankan, W.J. ; Maas, R.
ItemApproximation models for multi-disciplinary system design(National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, 2003) Vankan, W.J. ; Kos, J. ; Lammen, W.F.
ItemAUTAS: a tool for supporting FMECA generation in aeronautic systems(National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, 2004) Picardi, C. ; Console, L. ; Berger, F. ; Breeman, J.H. ; Kanakis, A. ; Moelands, J.M. ; Collas, S. ; Arbaretier, E. ; De Domenico, N. ; Girardelli, E. ; Dressler, O. ; Struss, P. ; Zilbermann, B.
ItemAutomated Manufacture of Grid Stiffened Panels(Netherlands Aerospace Centre NLR, 2019) Müller, J.M. ; Nijhuis, P.
ItemAutomatic Model Transfer from MATLAB/Simulink to Simulation Model Portability 2(National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, 2006) Moelands, J.M. ; Lammen, W.F. ; Jansen, M. ; Arcioni, M. ; Wijnands, Q.
ItemAutonomously guided parachute delivery systems.(National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, 2003) Jentink, H.W. ; Wegereef, J.W.
ItemCleanSky Green Rotorcraft New Technologies(National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, 2016) Stevens, J.M.G.F. ; Smith, C. ; Thevenot, L. ; d'Ippolito, R. ; Pachidis, V. ; Gires, E. ; Castillo Pardo, A.
ItemA clustered and surrogate-based MDA use case for MDO scenarios in AGILE project(AIAA, 2018) Lefebre, T. ; Bartoli, N. ; Dubreuil, S. ; Panzeri, M. ; Lombardi, R. ; Lammen, W.F. ; Mengmeng, Z. ; Gent, I. van ; Ciampa, P.D.In this paper methodological investigations regarding an innovative Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization (MDO) approach for conceptual aircraft design are presented. These research activities are part of the ongoing EU-funded research project AGILE. The next generation of aircraft MDO processes is developed in AGILE, which targets significant reductions in aircraft development cost and time to market, leading to cheaper and greener aircraft solutions. The paper introduces the AGILE project structure and recalls the achievements of the first year of activities where a reference distributed MDO system has been formulated, deployed and applied to the design and optimization of a reference conventional aircraft configuration. Then, investigations conducted in the second year are presented, all aiming at making the complex optimization workflows easier to handle, characterized by a high degree of discipline interdependencies, multi-level processes and multi-partner collaborative engineering activities. The paper focuses on an innovative approach in which knowledge-based engineering and collaborative engineering techniques are used to handle a complex aircraft design workflow. Surrogate models replacing clusters of analysis disciplines have been developed and applied to make workflow execution more efficient. The paper details the different steps of the developed approach to set up and operate this test case, involving a team of aircraft design and surrogate modelling specialists, and taking advantage of the AGILE MDO framework. To validate the approach, different executable workflows were generated automatically and used to efficiently compare different MDO formulations. The use of surrogate models for clusters of design competences have been proved to be efficient approach not only to decrease the computational time but also to benchmark different MDO formulations on a complex optimization problem.
ItemCollaborative Architecture supporting AGILE Design of Complex Aeronautics Products(Netherlands Aerospace Centre NLR, 2017) Ciampa, P.D. ; Moerland, E. ; Seider, D. ; Baalbergen, E.H. ; Lombardi, R. ; d'Ippolito, R.