Robustness Levels of Critical Infrastructures Against Global Navigation Satellite System Signal Disturbances

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Bos, A.
Snijders, M.
Zevenbergen, A.
Drost, K.
Zelle, H.D.
Hoeven, B. van der
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Resilience against signal disturbances is an important characteristic of GNSS-based PNT solutions. In particular, for critical infrastructures, failure to provide correct PNT information in these domains may have a major societal impact. The Resilience Framework by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) provides a set of requirements and guidelines to design a PNT solution of a certain level of resilience. Over the lifetime of the applications, it will be of prime importance to assess the resilience of the PNT solutions on a regular basis. Given how often GNSS-based solutions are being applied, partly automating the assessment process will be needed to make this task feasible. To automate the generative process, a machine-readable structure with well-established meaning is required. In this work, the use of fault trees as a formal system to encode the resilience framework is investigated.
Bos, A.; Snijders, M.; Zevenbergen, A.; Drost, K.; Zelle, H.; van der Hoeven, B. Robustness Levels of Critical Infrastructures Against Global Navigation Satellite System Signal Disturbances. Eng. Proc. 2023, 54, 21.