Numerical Computation of In-cell Parameters for Multiwire Formalism in FDTD

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Lansink Rotgerink, J.H.G.J.
Schippers, H.
Gascon Bravo, A.
D. Angulo, L.
G. Garcia, S.
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The finite-difference time-domain method is a very suitable tool to analyse the propagation of, among others, lightning and arcing through new high voltage high power distribution networks in aircraft. This paper presents a numerical method for the computation of the in-cell inductance and in-cell capacitance matrices, required to accurately model wire bundles in a finite-difference time-domain grid. The method extends the multiwire formalism proposed by Bérenger, and enables the inclusion of inhomogeneous media, as well as non-cylindrical conductors. Moreover, the method accurately computes the interactions between closely spaced wires that are neglected by the analytical formulation of Bérenger. The presented method is applied to a testcase that can be compared to Bérenger’s results. Finally, results for a testcase that involves dielectric insulation are given.
J. L. Rotgerink, H. Schippers, A. G. Bravosup, L. D. Angulo and S. G. García, "Numerical Computation of In-cell Parameters for Multiwire Formalism in FDTD," 2024 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC Europe, Brugge, Belgium, 2024, pp. 334-339, doi: 10.1109/EMCEurope59828.2024.10722507.